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Easy No-Meat Sandwich and Taco Filling

6 cups assorted beans of choice
9 cups water
6 tablespoons high end bouillon or vegetable concentrate
(dissolve in water before combining)
3 bunches of scallions finely chopped
1 bunch cilantro finely chopped
1 bunches of carrots finely chopped
3 tbsp.. crushed garlic
2 tbsp. cumin
3 tbsp. soy sauce
3 tbsp. sugar

In the oven in a large pan add 6 cups of assorted beans and all other
ingredient to 9 cups of bouillon seasoned water. Bake overnight on 250
until no liquid remains

Mash with potato masher. Take bean paste and form it into patties.
Fry patties in ½ butter and ½ olive oil as needed. Save rest in
refrigerator or freezer for pita filling, taco filling etc.

Uses are pretty unlimited. Use as filling for any no-meat sandwich
with a great bread, mayo, cheese and lettuce.


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